Miss World Kenya Organisation’s update on combatting Covid-19

The Miss World Kenya Organisation has informed MWO that the Zumba classes with nurses that Miss and Mr World Kenya were due to participate in “was postponed as the set date was declared a public holiday for religious purposes” (ref. Beauty with a Purpose website article Miss World Kenya Organisation help combat Covid-19 with Ministry of Health). The organisation state that this is being rescheduled for “the near future, as a way of showing appreciation and boosting their morale.”

Miss World Kenya, Maria Wavinya and Mr World Kenya, Franklyne Asoyo are involved in other schemes to improve quality of life and boost morale during the pandemic. For Kenya’s International Youth Week, commencing 10th August, the titleholders participated in the State Department for Youth’s live streamed, round table discussion. This was a top conversation on twitter, under the hashtag #YouthKomeshaCorona (Komesha means stop in Zulu language). The discussion was based on issues effecting young people including mental health, unemployment and youth involvement in national decision making. All issues that have been exacerbated by Covid-19.  Further live stream discussions involving Miss and Mr World Kenya are scheduled.

Mr and Miss World Kenya Organisation’s update on combatting Covid-19
Mr and Miss World Kenya Organisation’s update on combatting Covid-19

Other practical help that Miss and Mr World Kenya have provided is through a partnership they have with Rechitt Benckiser, Star Times and the Ministry of Health. Rechitt Benckiser and Star Times organisations have donated washing stations to be used across Kenya. Miss and Mr World Kenya helped the Ministry of Health receive the stations. Moreover, as role models, the titleholders showcased the correct hand washing procedures to prevent Covid-19 contamination.

Miss and Mr World Kenya are inspiring role models, providing help to society during this difficult period.

Miss World Kenya (2nd left) & Mr World Kenya (2nd right) in the Youth Komesha Corona discussion

Miss World Kenya (2nd left) & Mr World Kenya (2nd right) in the Youth Komesha Corona discussion